Estimate T&Cs

Estimate T&Cs

Estimate T&Cs

  1.   This quotation is open for acceptance within three months from the date of receipt of the quotation by the Hirers and is subject to DC Access Systems Limited (hereinafter called the Owners) having available materials and labour at the time of receipt of the Hirers’ order and the Owners receiving reasonable notice to commence work after receipt of the Hirers’ order, provided that the said notice to commence work shall not be given more than three months after the date of acceptance unless it is otherwise agreed in writing by the parties concerned. Where the scaffolding is beyond the end of the period stated in our quotation pro rata hire will be payable in respect of such continuance.  
  1.   The Owners will exercise all proper care to ensure that the scaffolding is soundly and adequately constructed for the purpose for which the Hirers have requested, and that when constructed it complies with the requirements of the Construction (Health, Safety & Welfare) Regulations 1996. (
  1.   The Hirers undertake not to carry out, or permit to be carried out, any alteration, adaption, repair to or dismantling of the scaffold structure or to interfere with it in any way. Such alterations, adaptions, additions required to be made to the scaffold structure are to be carried out by the Owners only upon receipt of written instructions from the Hirers and at the Hirers’ expense.
  1.   The Hirers shall indemnify the Owners against all claims, damages and costs arising directly from the scaffolding however such damage or costs be caused except that when such claims, damages and costs are due to the negligence of the Owners (or their servants), the latter shall be responsible for and shall indemnify the Hirers against such claims, damages and costs, provided that it shall be a condition precedent to the Owners bearing responsibility therefore that the Hirers give forthwith to the Owners written notice specifying the said damage within seven days of the date of the damage.
  1.   Unless otherwise stated, all precautions for the protection of property of all kinds, including items of special value, shall be the responsibility of the Hirers who shall provide and erect appropriate protection materials required for that purpose.
  1.   Whilst every care will be taken when erecting and dismantling scaffolding, this quotation is submitted on the express condition that the Owners will not be held responsible for broken tiles/slates, glass or external cladding or any other damage to the fabric of the property.
  1.   The Owners will endeavour to make temporary roofs as watertight as possible, but no guarantee can be given, and no liability accepted for damage to property or machinery by any weather conditions due to any patent defects in covering materials. Excluding any rainwater goods fixed to temporary roof unless stated in quotation.
  1.   The Hirers and Owners respectively shall effect and keep in force at all material times, policies of insurance in adequate amounts against their respective liabilities under any statute or at common law in respect of injuries to persons or damage to property arising out of or in execution of the work.
  1. The Hirers shall be solely responsible for any insurance against loss or damage by fire to the scaffold however caused.
  1. The Hirers shall ensure that the site is cleared and ready for the erection of the scaffolding and will ensure that the Owners have at all times a sound, adequately level foundation from which to construct a safe working scaffold. In addition, the Owners must be afforded unobstructed access to the site at all times.
  1. All materials on hire always remain the property of the Owners. In the event of default in payment by the Hirers the latter shall, so far as they lawfully can, assist the Owners to resume possession of the goods.
  1. The Hirers shall pay in respect of any materials lost, the full catalogue price, and in respect of materials damaged, the cost of repairs.
  1. Unless otherwise stated, the quotation is based upon the assumption that the work will be carried out during normal working hours and any overtime, night or weekend work requested by the Hirers shall constitute a net addition to the price quoted.
  1. Insofar as the quotation includes the cost of the Owners employing labour, it is based upon the rates of wages and other emoluments payable by the Owners to work people engaged upon the erection of scaffolding in accordance with the rules and decisions of the Construction Industry Joint Council (CIJC) applicable and current at the date of the quotation. Any increase in cost which is consequent upon said rules shall effect a net addition to the price quoted.
  1. The Hirers shall be responsible for obtaining, at their own expense all necessary pavement and/or hoarding licenses and permissions for the scaffold to encroach upon pavements and/or adjoining properties. The Hirer shall also be responsible for supplying, fixing and maintaining any warning lights which may be required under the provisions of any Statute, Byelaw, or Regulation and for the painting of any uprights or fixing of any warning tape/signage.
  1. The loading/off-loading of the Owners’ vehicles on site may require us to park on restricted/metered/resident parking bays. Any payment for suspension of such meters is at the Hirers’ cost. The Hirers are also responsible for obtaining dispensation forms to enable the Owners’ vehicles to park on red routes/bus lanes etc. as required by Local Authorities and Transport for London. The Hirers are to ensure that an area adjacent to the site is kept free for our vehicles during our works. This requires an unobstructed length of not less than 14m overall, being the length of the lorry plus the space needed to safely handle 6.3m scaffold tubes off the rear of the lorry.
  1. Unless otherwise stated, the quotation excludes the cost of design drawings or additional insurance cover in excess of our current public/employees liability. Should the Hirers request such items, these will be at additional cost.
  1. The Hirers will provide all welfare facilities on site as required by the Construction (Design & Management) Regulations 2007. (
  2. If progress on or the completion of the work is delayed for any reason beyond the control of the Owners, including inclement weather, a fair and reasonable extension of time for executing and completing the works shall be granted to the Owners.
  1. Any alterations to the scaffold, including movement or replacement of scaffold boards, not specifically listed in this quotation will be charged as an extra to contract at daywork rates plus expenses. The total number of hours, including travelling time if not present on site, will be chargeable at the hourly rate shown in the quotation.
  1.   The Hirers will provide free use of hoisting or craneage facilities on site for the raising and lowering of the Owners’ materials to keep the Owners’ erectors fully employed.
  1. The Owners will not accept any charges suffered by the Hirers due to the breakdown of any mechanical plant, such as hoists, let out on hire by the Owners. Hire charges commence from date of delivery of all mechanical items.
  1. The Hirers shall be responsible for and make good to Owner any loss or damage to Owner’s equipment whilst on site unless caused by the negligence or wilful act or default of Owner or their employees.  The Hirers shall also pay in respect of any loss for which they are so responsible the current sale value and in respect of any damage for which they are so responsible in the cost of repair.
  1.   This quotation assumes 100% erection in one operation and 100% dismantling in one further operation, unless otherwise stated. Any variation to this will constitute additional costs.
  1.   The quoted price is based on the condition that for progress work, each site visit by the Owners’ operatives will constitute a full days work.
  1.   With reference to pavement gantries and heavy duty scaffolds off pavements, our quotation does not include any propping below pavement/base level. The Hirers are to ensure that the pavement/base will safely support the load of our structure and any loads applied thereupon.
  1.   In order to comply with Construction Regulations and the British/European standards, the scaffold must be tied to the permanent structure at recommended intervals. The Hirer is to obtain permission for the drilling of ties and the necessary advice regarding location of ties. The Owners can accept no responsibility whatsoever for damage to the building arising as a result of fixing “hilti ties” or similar and all making good is the responsibility of the Hirers.
  1.   Although we will take every possible care, we cannot accept responsibility for any damage arising from working in garden areas to lawns, trees, shrubs etc. Any pruning etc. is to be carried out by the Hirers prior to erection and at their cost.
  1.   The Hirers are to remove any satellite dishes prior to erection and replace after dismantling. Should this not be done, the Owners cannot accept any responsibility for damage,
  1. No allowance in the hire period will be given for holidays.
  1.   The Owners do not consider that Retention can be applied to our works as they have no bearing on the finished building/building fabric and are not subject to the defects liability period. We therefore cannot accept Retention being applied to payments for our services.
  1.   Any monarflex, side sheeting or debris netting will be supplied and fixed once only. Any instruction to replace or re-fix the same for any reason whatsoever, e.g. storm damage, high winds, site interference etc., will be chargeable to the Hirers.
  1.   The Owners cannot undertake to carry out the statutory inspection to comply with Regulation 29 of the Construction (Health, Safety & Welfare) Regulations 1996. Under this wording the scaffold must be inspected every week and after any event likely to have affected its strength or stability and after any substantial addition, dismantling or alteration and should be carried out by the Hirers’ competent representative. In order to comply with Regulation 30, particulars of each inspection must be recorded in a Record of Inspection. It is also the responsibility of every employer, under Regulation 3, to ensure that the requirements of the Regulation, which apply to its own operatives, are complied with.
  1.   If at any time a dispute or difference arises between the parties to this contract concerning any matter in connection with and arising from this contract, such dispute or difference may be referred to adjudication for resolution provided that written notice of such intention shall first have been given by the referring party in accordance with the requirements of the Housing Grants, Construction & Regeneration Act 1996. (
  1.   Any rights which the Hirer’s Employer might otherwise possess under the terms of any contract between the Hirers and such Employer over temporary buildings, plant, tools, equipment, goods and materials on site shall not extend to affect the ownership of any items provided by DC Access Systems Ltd in carrying out the work, which items shall remain the unencumbered property of DC Access Systems at all times.  In the event of any default in payment by the Hirers they shall, so far as they lawfully can, assist the Owner to resume possession of Owners property.
  1. If no previous contract has been entered into between you and DC Access Systems Limited within the past year, this offer is conditional upon three Trade References to the satisfaction of the Company.
  1.   We would ask you please to especially note the following with regard to payment:
  • a)   The initial payment of any new account is to be received within 7 days of the Invoice/Application date.
  • b)   Payment thereafter to be received by us within 28 days notice of our Invoice/ Application.
  • c)   Unless valid notification to the contrary is received within 14 days, all Invoices/ Applications for payment will be deemed acceptable, and payment is to be made within the 28 day term.
  1.   In the event of non payment of the account within the term specified above, we reserve the right to charge interest at the Bank of England base rate plus five per cent per month on all monies which may be outstanding and payable.
  1.   The Hirers shall not sub-let or lend the plant or any part thereof to any third party without our prior permission in writing.  The Hirers shall not remove the plant from the site to which it was delivered without Owners consent, with such consent to be confirmed in writing.
  1.   No contra claims shall be off set against our invoices without our prior approval in writing.  Owners shall not meet any claims for loss or damage to the persons or property of Hirers or third parties unless such loss or damage is notified to us in writing within 14 days of such loss or damage.


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